
Air Quality News Conference North: Manchester – Midland Hotel – 14th Sept 2021

Tuesday 14th September 2021 (Past Event)

Event Details

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The Northern Air Quality News Conference serves as a platform for business, local authorities and the third sector to learn and network as an industry.

As the levels of toxic air in our towns and cities increases and the numbers of deaths which are attributed to air pollution grow, there is a clear and perceptual change in mindset with regard to delivering policies that offer quantifiable solutions across health, energy, urban design and transport.   

The Northern Air Quality News Conference explores some of the issues and the possible solutions to the increasing levels of toxic air in our communities.

The conference agenda includes presentations from organisations and sector-leading specialists including:

  • Dr Gary Fuller from Imperial College London,  Jane Burston from the Clean Air Fund, Cllr Sarah Warren, deputy leader of  Bath and North East Somerset Council and Katie Nield from ClientEarth.

14th Sept 2021

 Midland Hotel, Manchester

In Association with our Conference Partner;


9.45 – 9.50: Welcome Address, Stephen Cirell – Advisory Energy Consultant – Conference Chair 

9.50 – 10.35: Imperial College London, Dr Gary Fuller, senior lecturer – Air pollution, has it ever been this bad and what will happen next? 

10.35 – 11.15: Environment Agency, Joe Swift and Julian Watkins – On inequality and air pollution: 

11.15 -11.40: Refreshments & Networking

11.40 – 12.25: Bath & North East Somerset Council – Cllr Sarah Warren, deputy council leader and cabinet member for climate and sustainable travel – On the challenges of implementing the first Clean Air Zone

12.25 – 1.45: Lunch & Networking

1.45 – 2.25: Clean Air Fund – Jane Burston, executive director – On the economic arguments and opportunities for Clean Air Zones: 

2.25 – 3.10: ClientEarth: Katie Nield, clean air lawyer – Clean Air Zones: ​Where did they come from and where are they going to?​

3.10 – 3.35: Refreshments & Networking

3.35 – 4.15: Indoor air pollution: Tom Woolley, architect, environmental consultant and indoor air quality expert – On indoor air pollution,

4.15 – 5.15: Discussion Panel – Audience Q&A with 5 experts from the sector.

5.15: Closing remarks from Stephen Cirell, Chair.

5.20: Drinks & Hor d’oeuvres: Networking – Sponsored in association with the British Safety Council


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