
The new Air Quality News magazine is now online

The 25th edition of Air Quality News magazine has been published and is now available to read online.

The magazine can be found here.

I’m delighted to say that we have some extremely big-hitters contributing articles to this issue. not least Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah who were spoke to recently for our Big Interview. Rosamund is unquestionably the best known clean air advocate in the UK and she has a lot to say.

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is part of the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme. In this issue they explain how the data they collect is used by policymakers and health officials to produce science-based health policy in relation to air pollution.

In a not-unrelated contribution, Dr Jonathan M. Tan from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, explains how his team are using  AccuWeather’s high-resolution data on factors such as air quality with patient’s records to address questions about the impact of environmental exposures on children.

Our Common Air is a new global commission chaired by former New Zealand PM Helen Clark and former Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization Soumya Swaminathan. Clean Air Fund’s Jane Burston,  one of its a commissioners, explains what the commission hopes to achieve.

The Environmental Research Group at Imperial College London is at the forefront of air quality research. They now run a two-day course for people wanting to know more about the subject and we discuss it with Diana Varaden.

Our other contributor this issue is Fiona Coull who has been exploring the potential benefits of using the Thames – rather than roads -to move goods around the capital.

Our in-house team of Simon, Martin and Emily have, respectively, written about eVTOL (air taxis to you and me), Ecocide and a series of new films focusing on the realities of living in unsuitable accommodation.



Paul Day
Paul is the editor of Public Sector News.


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