
Oxford United announce plans for the greenest stadium in the country

Not long after praising the Las Vegas Raider‘s stadium for being  the greenest in America, we turn to gentler environment of Oxford where the town’s football club – Oxford United – have announced plans to build the first stadium in the country powered solely by electricity.

The club are having their hands forced slightly, as the lease at their current ground is not being renewed when it comes to an end in 2026, leaving them no real alternative than building a new home.

The club have found a suitable, 16.8 acre site, at the Triangle in Kidlington, a location that is in line with the Football League’s directive that a relocating club should find a site within seven miles of their previous home. 

Having a blank canvas on which to work, Oxford United – who recently signed the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework – are determined that it should have as little environmental impact as possible. 

Jon Clarke, Development Director at Oxford United, said: ‘The standout element of the stadium is it will be the most sustainable mid-sized sports venue in the country. We want to make the most of the opportunity to create something special – it would be one of the greenest football stadiums to be built.’

The proposed 16,000 capacity stadium would incorporate 3,000m² of solar panels on the roof and utilise modern building fabric design and heat recovery solutions to maximise thermal efficiency.

The use of another low-carbon energy technology, air source heat pumps, as the development’s primary heat source would provide an estimated 80% reduction in CO2 emissions per year compared to gas boilers.

The stadium would also include drainage systems, rain storage and recycling solutions to re-use rainwater, while plans to enhance biodiversity on the land at the Triangle would achieve a significant net gain.

Mr Clarke added: ‘The stadium design has sustainability and visitor experience at its core.

‘We’ve maximised modern technology, design and progressive thinking to create the benchmark for future design of stadiums with the protection of our planet in firm focus.

‘By avoiding natural gas usage on site and by using highly efficient equipment to serve a high-quality building, the carbon emissions associated with this unique venue will be radically reduced resulting in a very low impact home.’

Paul Day
Paul is the editor of Public Sector News.


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