
Competition to raise awareness of air pollution at schools

Oxford City Council and Friends of the Earth have launched a competition with the aim to teach primary school children about air pollution. 

Schools across Oxford have been invited to take part in the competition with children in years three to six asked to create a banner which encourages drivers to think about the wellbeing and safety of children on their way to and from school. 

Competition entries will be judged by a panel, including children’s author Mini Grey. 

The winning school will then receive £250 worth of play equipment and will have their banner displayed across the city. 

The competition is part of Oxford Councils STOP (Schools Tackling Oxfords Air Pollution) project, which aims to raise awareness of the main sources and health effects of air pollution, encouraging them to walk, cycle or use public transport instead of taking the car. 

Cllr Tom Hayes, said: ‘Our communities are learning that we need to tackle toxic air and our climate crisis because schoolchildren are teaching us that lesson.

‘Dirty air can set back young people’s health when we should be giving them the best start in life.

‘I’m delighted that the council is launching this competition, we hope to build not just a zero-carbon city, but zero-carbon citizens.’

Chris Church, a spokesperson from Friends of The Earth, said: ‘Cleaning up the air quality in our city is everyone’s responsibility, and we are very happy to help and encourage schools to get involved in this work.

‘Young children are particularly at risk from air pollution, so better air quality around schools must be a priority.’

In related news, earlier this month (January 7) Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council published the final draft proposals for Oxford’s Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ), to be introduced in December 2020.

Photo Credit – Pixabay 

Pippa Neill
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