

An independent, privately owned company with headquarters in Cambridge, UK, Cambustion has been developing and manufacturing fast response gas and aerosol measurement instruments for over 35 years.

The Cambustion CLD50 Fast NOx Analyser is designed for both engine and non-engine single-channel applications where a 15ms T10-90 response time is sufficient. The CLD50 is capable of both [NO] and [NO₂] measurement directly (NO₂ via LIF) with only oxygen and power needed for basic operation (zero and span gases required for complete calibration). The use of these detection methods ensures minimal cross sensitivities and allows retention of millisecond response times.

Cambustion have developed this super-sensitive yet ultra-fast version of their Fast NOx Analyser for Air Quality work in response to many researchers requesting faster real-time data with a strong emphasis on identifying “gross emitters” entering urban environments and clean air zones. In ambient mode the CLD50 has a lower detection limit of 5 parts per billion while retaining a response time of 100ms, allowing an in-depth look into the real human exposure from passing traffic and other polluters. The equipment is available for on-board mobile applications including “chase studies” with heated/unheated sample line options of various lengths.

The CLD50 has allowed investigations into the real emissions exposure from vehicles allowing local and national health authorities to draw conclusions on road infrastructure and traffic flow changes, clean air zones, retrofit schemes and many more emission reducing tools.

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