
Bristol to host air quality ‘masterclass’

Bristol city council is to host a seminar on improving air quality next week (October 28 & 29), in the build up to its stint as European Green Capital in 2015.

The free event at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Bristol city centre will include presentations by policy makers, academics and consultants discussing the challenges around tackling air pollution in urban environments.

shutterstock_132235361It will end with an interactive session aimed at informing a collective report to the European Commission on the experiences and opportunities for air quality management in European cities.

Bristol’s partners, the Air Quality Management Resource Centre at the city’s University West of England, have secured a range of high quality speakers from across Europe.

The masterclass will be opened by the Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson, and his Copenhagen counterpart, Mayor Morten Kabell, and chaired by researchers in air quality from University West of England (UWE).


Mr Ferguson said: “This is one of many events aimed at harnessing the energy of people from Bristol and beyond to maximise the opportunities of using European Green Capital as a platform for promoting our city on the world stage.

“I remain focused on a future in which we can all enjoy cleaner air, and a healthier future where  streets are no longer clogged with traffic, where public transport provides an affordable, quality alternative to the car, and it is increasingly attractive to walk and cycle.

“It goes without saying that better air quality brings with it a higher standard of living and this will only contribute to Bristol’s reputation as the most liveable city in the UK.

“This masterclass could be the catalyst for changes in air quality management not only here in Bristol but in cities throughout Europe.”

Bristol city council’s Assistant Mayor for Environment, Cllr Gus Hoyt, added: “Improving air quality in Bristol is of huge importance. In our city, every breath we take has an impact on each and every one of us.

“It will be a great privilege for Bristol to host some of the world experts in this field, particularly in the run up to next year’s European Green Capital.

“This is concrete opportunity for positive change — an opportunity to engage which I hope people will grab with both hands.”


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