Air quality monitoring and data technology firm EarthSense has further developed its MappAir® software to include historical emissions data.
EarthSense has generated high-resolution maps of historical air pollution for the years 2014-2017 using ‘complex modelling techniques’ and incorporating a range of data sources.

MappAir has data for the years 2014-2017
The high-resolution map of air quality is available on a nationwide scale down to individual buildings across all of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, according to EarthSense and provides the annual average concentrations of pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particle matter (PM2.5).
The latest version of MappAir® includes satellite data for background levels of air pollution as well as published datasets to provide an even greater level of granularity and reliability of data.
EarthSense Head of Modelling, Dr Antoine Jeanjean, commented: “MappAir® is a data-rich product which is constantly evolving to suit the needs of its users. The latest version has been adapted to provide a never-before seen picture of air quality by incorporating a greater number of air pollution sources such as airport and railways over a longer period.”
MappAir® is validated against air quality data from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) and diffusion tubes.
EarthSense Managing Director, Tom Hall, added: “We are passionate about what we do and are focused on continuous product development. Advances to MappAir® enable organisations such as local government and councils to benefit from evidencing the effectiveness of pollution-lowering initiatives that have already been implemented for several years.
“Although it’s been slow, where money has been invested we are seeing the problem improve, such as London. This investment needs to happen on a much faster and wider scale if we want to be a world leading country when it comes to breathing clean air.”
Related Links
EarthSense — MappAir