
National Air Quality Conference 2019

In Association with our Conference Partner

November 12th 2019 – Lords Cricket Ground – London


Session One Are low emission zones achieving their aims?

9.55 — 10.05: Welcome Address — Michael Burton — Executive Editor and Author.

10.05 — 10.35: Dr Bob Moran – Department for Transport – TBC.

10.35 — 11.05: Cllr Anna Richardson, Glasgow City Council on Scotland’s first Low Emission Zone.

11.05 — 11.35: TBC.

11.35— 11.50: Refreshments and Networking.


Session Two — How to reduce freight emissions without impacting the economy?

11.50 — 12.20:  Christopher Snelling, Head of UK Policy, Freight Transport Association, on why the freight sector needs to be backed by government to cut emissions.

12.20 — 12.50: Jonathan Werran, Chief Executive, Localis, on how to improve clean air transport infrastructure funding for local authorities.

12.50 — 13.20: Simon Jeffrey, Centre for Cities, on why vehicle-free cities can give the economy a boost.

13.20 — 14.05: Lunch and Networking.


Session Three—Are the public health risks of air pollution now being taken seriously?

14.05 — 14.35: Dr Gary Fuller, King’s College London, on the history of public health and air pollution and how we got to this point.

14.35 — 15.05: Chris Large – Global Action Plan, on why indoor air pollution is often neglected in the discussion about air quality.

15.05 — 15.35: Alison Cook, Director of External Affairs – British Lung Foundation

15.35 — 15.50: Refreshments and Networking.


Session Four — Innovation, Development & Green Fuels

15.50 — 16.20: Dr Dawid Hanak, Cranfield University, on the potential for Carbon Capture Storage.

16.20 — 16:50: Dr Ben Todd, Arcola Energy, on the potential of hydrogen trains.

16.50 – 17.10: Discussion panel.

17.10: Closing remarks from chair.

17.30: Drinks & Networking


Supported by;


To Reserve Your Delegate Place

Online delegate bookings will open on Mon 24th June.

Charities/Third Sector – £95.00 + vat (with a registered charity no.)

Local Authority

– Early Bird discount (until 30th July) – £110.00 +vat

– Standard Rate – £145.00 +vat

Private Sector

– Early Bird discount (until 30th July) – £195.00 +vat

– Standard Rate – £245.00 +vat

Should you wish to reserve your delegate places before 24th June, please call Andy – 01625 614000


To Reserve Your Exhibition Space 

The conference includes a dedicated exhibition suite, where we invite companies involved in the sector to showcase their products and services to all the delegates throughout the course of the day. All exhibition places include; table top, two spaces for representatives, power supply, facility to use pop-up banners (3m x 2m max space), all catering during the day plus a drinks networking opportunity at the end of the conference.

Cost: £1,350.

Should you wish to reserve your exhibition space or ask any questions, please call Andy – 01625 614000



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