Edinburgh city council has opened a consultation on plans that could see walking and cycling prioritised in the Scottish capital’s city centre.
The eight-week consultation will consider proposals for the city council’s City Centre Transformation, City Mobility Plan as well as plans for Low Emission Zones in the city.
According to the city council, the consultation sets out ideas to create a “more active and connected city, a healthier environment, a transformed Edinburgh city centre, and improved neighbourhood streets.”
Among the ideas being considered are pedestrianised streets, restrictions on through-traffic, bus and freight ‘hubs’, widened pavements and improved public spaces.
The consultation was approved by members of the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee on 9 August (see airqualitynews.com story).
Commenting on the consultation, the city’s Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes, said: “This prospectus is a truly ambitious document which is bound to generate some lively debate right across the city. I would urge everyone with an interest in Edinburgh’s future to take part in the consultation, which has the potential to be a real game-changer. It’s a very powerful opportunity to make some really transformational changes to our city centre and town centres, for the benefit of everyone who lives and works in or visits them.
“As a council we are serious about tackling poor air quality, reducing congestion and making it as easy as possible to get around Edinburgh, especially by walking, cycling and public transport.
“The status quo is no longer an option.”
Edinburgh is one of four Scottish cities required to implement a Low Emission Zone by 2020, in order to address exceedances of the 40µg/m3 legal limit for nitrogen dioxide emissions.
Firm proposals on the implementation of the Low Emission Zone are expected to be brought forward later in the year, and are likely to be shaped by the outcome of the consultation.