As the levels of toxic air in our towns and cities increases and the numbers of deaths which are attributed to air pollution grow, there is a clear and perceptual change in mindset with regard to delivering policies that offer quantifiable solutions across health, energy, urban design and transport.
The Northern Air Quality News Conference explores some of the issues and the possible solutions to the increasing levels of toxic air in our communities.
25th May 2022
Midland Hotel, Manchester
In Association with our Conference Partner;
Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment at the World Health Organisation (WHO)
In September 2021, the WHO published new guidelines for particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. To explain why this was necessary, Dr. Maria Neira from WHO will be joining us at the conference to discuss some of global air pollution issues.
Polly Billington, Chief Executive at UK100.
Polly is the Chief Executive of UK100, a network of highly ambitious local government leaders, which seeks to devise and implement plans for the transition to clean energy that are ambitious, cost-effective and take the public and businesses with them.
In her presentation, Polly will explore in detail the important role that local authorities must play in tackling air pollution.
Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK.
Air pollution is estimated to contribute to over 40,000 premature deaths in the UK every single year and it is also linked to increased rates of asthma, lung disease and COPD. In her presentation, Sarah will explain why air pollution is a public health crisis.
Dr. Chris Rushton, University of Leeds
Dr. Chris Rushton is a researcher at the University of Leeds, who is interested in the integration of new and emerging technologies such as sensors and measurement devices to tackle air pollution. He will present some of his work as part of the EU-funded City Air Remote Emissions Sensing (CARES) project, which demonstrates the integration of modern database technology, web applications, and the most up-to-date road vehicle emission sensing technology currently being deployed in the UK and EU.
5. Imogen Martineau, Clean Air Fund
Imogen is CAF’s Portfolio Manager for the UK, responsible for developing and implementing the Clean Air Fund’s strategy and managing all of its grants in the country.
Clean Air Zone panel discussion
A spokesperson from three different councils who are all in the process of implementing a Clean Air Zone will also be joining us to answer questions from the audience.
Professor. Laurence Jones, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Professor Jones will be presenting on the newly-launched RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities) Network, which aims to help towns and cities find the information they need to install green and blue infrastructure in their communities. The network will fund small projects to better understand how green and blue infrastructure can reduce the effects of flooding, heat stress, air pollution, and other natural hazards
9:45 – 9:50: Introduction, Chloe Coules – Editor, Air Quality News
9:50 – 10:00: Welcome address, Beverley Nielsen – Birmingham City University – Conference Chair
10:00 – 10:40: UK100, Polly Billington, Chief Executive
10:40 – 11:20: University of Leeds, Chris Rushton, Postdoctoral Researcher
11:20 – 11:55: Morning break & networking
11:55 – 12:40: Panel discussion – Audience Q&A with 3 councils who are in the process of implementing a Clean Air Zone
12:40 – 13:50: Lunch & networking
13:50 – 14:35: World Health Organisation, Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment
14:35 – 15:15 – Clean Air Fund, Imogen Martineau, Portfolio Manager
15:15 – 15:50 – Afternoon break & networking
15:50 – 16:30 – Asthma + Lung UK, Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive
16:30 – 17:10 – RECLAIM Network, Professor. Laurence Jones, Co-Principal Investigator
17:10: Closing remarks
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