
First look: Inside Air Quality News’ March 2023 issue

It’s a great pleasure to introduce the 20th issue of Air Quality News.

When this digital version pops onto the website (24th March), we’ll have just returned from our annual Northern Air Quality Conference in Manchester, details of which we will share with you next week.

The magazine heralds a new era for AQN as we introduce you to the premium content that will soon be arriving on this website. We’re not taking anything away, we’re giving readers access to unique research that absolutely will be of interest to some people.

The focal point for this is the Special Report on ambient air outside schools in Newcastle-upon-Tyne which begins on page 11. It is science-led and extremely thorough, which reflects our approach to how the premium content will be presented.

Of course, the magazine retains the well-researched articles that it always has, beginning with Martin Guttridge-Hewitt’s examination of how levelling up can be incorporated into the net zero equation. (page 8)

Georgie Hughes looks at the strange world of climate disinformation (page 22) and ponders on why almost any Twitter search relating to climate change will see the Musk corporation recommending #climatescam as required reading. Georgie follows this up (page 28) with an investigation into indoor pollution in schools and hospitals, places where everyone should be entitled to feel safe.

This issue is not the first time Client Earth have given us a new perspective on the legal side of air pollution and we’re weirdly grateful to them for a worrying article (page36) about the swathe of EU legislation that could be tossed aside by the Government as they plough through retained EU law with a red pen.

Similarly eyebrow-raising is Noah Bovenizer’s interview with US research scientist Stuart Riddick (page 38). Stuart didn’t believe the figures that were being quoted for methane emissions in the oil, gas and coal industries so got in a boat and headed off to measure them for himself.

From the oceans to the countryside, Matthew Clark wraps up our 20th issue discussing the problems of addressing air quality from the perspective of a rural location (page 40). It appears it’s not as simple as you might think.

You can view the latest of the magazine here;


Jason Hall
Business Development Manager
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