
Cycling UK publish a new five-year strategy

Cycling UK has published a five-year strategy, which aims to get more people to appreciate the many benefits of cycling, even if they don’t cycle themselves.

Cycling UK describe their mission as being to enable millions more to cycle. ‘Imagine a country where cycling is a safe and popular mode of transport for people of all backgrounds and abilities,’ they say. ‘Where air pollution is no longer poisoning our children, obesity has been eliminated, and traffic congestion is gone. This is Cycling UK’s vision’

The film above has been produced by Cycling UK working with Leeds-based poet Erin Bolens to emphasise how cycling can help everyone. As Erin says in the video; ‘people who drive, people who walk, people who say they’ll cycle one day, even if it’s just talk. Children, teenagers, 50 something middle agers, the early starters, the young at hearters. We’re all on the same team.’

Sarah Mitchell, chief executive of Cycling UK, said: ‘The next five years is a pivotal time for us to demonstrate the wider benefits of cycling. As some politicians have sought to reframe cycling as a culture war issue over the past year, using rhetoric to divide all road users, we are acutely aware of our responsibility to remind people of the overwhelming positive impact of cycling. We already know cycling is a fantastic transport option for millions of people across the UK, and we want even more people to see how it can improve public health, boost wellbeing and enhance our environment.’

The charity believe that by engaging people beyond the core of cycling enthusiasts, debate can be broadened and support generated among a new constituency – people who my not be interested in riding a bike but are concerned about climate change, air quality or mental and physical health issues. 

As such, Cycling UK’s five-year strategic objectives are:

  1. Improve perceptions of cycling so that everyone sees the benefits
  2. Boost the number and diversity of people who cycle
  3. Make cycling an even more positive experience
  4. Increase transport choice by enabling and encouraging more people to cycle local journeys
  5. Achieve greater impact by becoming the best possible charity we can be

Sarah again: ‘Cycling UK has delivered decades of community and campaigning work, and we have a proven track record of making change happen. We are proud of the accomplishments we’ve already made to make the UK greener and healthier, and with our new strategy, we are committed to having an even greater impact in the coming years.’

Paul Day
Paul is the editor of Public Sector News.


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