
April date for air quality Telford event

An exhibition and conference will feature at the 2015 Air Quality and Emissions Show in Telford

Ambient air issues and emissions monitoring are among the topics for a conference to be held alongside the exhibition at the Air Quality and Emissions show in Telford this April.

The organisers of AQE 2015, the international Air Quality and Emissions show, have released details of the conference programme for the show which will take place in Telford, on April 22-23 2015.

AQE 2015Entry to the exhibition is free but payment is required for the conference sessions.

Organiser Marcus Pattison said: “The event could not have been better timed. Just before Christmas, the UK Government issued a consultation that, if adopted, could result in a dramatic reduction in ambient air quality monitoring, and this is causing uproar in the sector. The messages surrounding the enormous numbers of premature deaths resulting from air pollution are starting to gain traction in the mainstream media, so it is astonishing that Defra should propose less monitoring, and this is bound to be a hot topic at the Conference!”

The first day’s conference will start with David Graham from E.ON Technologies explaining how stacks are defined under legislation that aggregates units together. He will also provide a regulatory update on the Industrial Emissions Directive and the Medium Combustion Plant Directive. Jonathan Clark from Syngenta will then outline the challenges facing operators with small stacks in relation to periodic monitoring and compliance with standards.

In the afternoon, Derek Myers from REC will provide an overview of the challenges facing test laboratories and others, when sampling dust from wet stacks, and finally, Rod Robinson from NPL will explain the measurement and calculation of stack flow rate for mass emissions reporting purposes.

Buggy height exposure

On Thursday April 23 the conference will include a presentation from Stephen Stratton of Ricardo AEA. He will provide a summary of a study on exposure to pollution at buggy height, adult height and air quality station height. Jacqueline Barr from IBI/Transport Scotland will then deliver a presentation on a Sensor Rotation Project in which a network of new monitoring technologies has been applied to traffic management and control systems. In the final presentation of the morning, David Green from Kings College London will report on a series of PM Speciation Studies looking at the makeup of particulate matter measured across the UK and how it varies.

Afternoon sessions will look at an EU project on Black Carbon and carbon dioxide levels and David Carslaw from King’s College will discuss the ‘OpenAir’, open-source software.

AQE 2015 will take place at the International Centre in Telford and in addition to the Conference, visitors will also be able to attend Workshops providing practical advice and case studies, and an Exhibition featuring almost all of the world’s leading providers of monitoring equipment and services.

Online registration for AQE 2015 is now open.

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