
Bradford consults on low emission strategy

Views are being sought on a draft strategy to tackle air pollution from transport by Bradford metropolitan district council

Bradford metropolitan district council is consulting on plans to tackle air pollution from transport in the city.

According to the council, transport is the major source of the city’s air quality problems and it is inviting comments from the public and stakeholders on its draft Low Emission Strategy (LES).

A draft strategy to tackle air pollution from transport is being consulted on in Bradford

A draft strategy to tackle air pollution from transport is being consulted on in Bradford

Levels of nitrogen dioxide recorded on Bradford’s urban road network are in breach of EU limits, the strategy states, while it is also estimated that 5.3% of all mortality in the Bradford district is attributable to particulate matter.

Four Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) already exist in Bradford surrounding the roads Mayo Avenue, Thornton Road, Manningham Lane and Shipley Airedale Road.

As a result, the draft strategy includes provisions to evaluate measures to encourage alternative modes of transport or the uptake of cleaner vehicles, such as Low Emissions Zones, bus and freight partnerships and exploration of infrastructure for alternative fuels.

It also suggests that a review of air quality is needed in Bradford in order to establish a ‘robust profile’ of the road transport system and to help raise awareness of the health impact of vehicle emissions.


Bradford councillor for environment, sport and sustainability, Andrew Thornton, said: “At Bradford council we have long recognised that clean air is fundamental for the district to prosper, and be an attractive place to live, work and invest.”

He added: “Transport is now the major contributor to our air quality problems. This Low Emission Strategy outlines how the council will work with the public and the private sector, and with other stakeholders, to implement measures which reduce the impact of emissions from traffic on public health and air quality, whilst simultaneously contributing to the regeneration of our economy.”

In January, the council was awarded a £150,000 grant towards low emissions strategies by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in order to tackle nitrogen dioxide problems (see story).

Any comments on the draft LEZ strategy must be received in writing to the council environmental health manager by 5pm in Wednesday July 31 2013. More information on the strategy is available on the Bradford council website.

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