

Introducing Airobot: The Future of Intelligent Residential Ventilation

Airobot is revolutionizing the way we think about residential ventilation. They develop and produce self-thinking devices that adapt to indoor climate conditions in real-time.

Unlike traditional systems that operate on three speeds—Regular, Boost, and Away—Airobot employs a dynamic range of approximately 100 different speeds to react to indoor climate events. With built-in sensors for CO2, VOCs, PM, and humidity,  these devices autonomously adjust airflows to maintain near-perfect indoor air quality at all times.

No manual intervention is required. Airobot’s smart technology detects when you leave the house by sensing a drop in CO2 levels and automatically shifts to energy-saving mode. Conversely, when you have guests over, the system intuitively ramps up its performance.

Airobot also reacts to humidity and VOC increase in your home and start increasing airflows when normal levels are surpassed.

But that’s not all. Airobot goes beyond ventilation by also offering smart water underfloor heating thermostats equipped with TPI algorithms. These thermostats not only measure air quality in each separate room but can also be integrated with Airobot’s ventilation devices for even more precise air quality control.

Say goodbye to excess humidity, CO2 and VOCs, and get real-time insights into your particulate matter concentrations via the Airobot mobile application.

Airobot has a local installer network in the UK and they are able to deliver across europe.  



Jason Hall
Business Development Manager
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