Decarbonisation is a global issue, with environmental and social consequences such as air quality and climate change threatening to affect us all in some way. This year, the UK has seen the destruction caused by wildfires in the Scottish Highlands and flash floods attacking the South West of England. Consequently, we are seeing global responses to tackle this threat, like the United Nations’ Net Zero Coalition and the Alliance for Industry Decarbonisation. But it is a problem that also urgently needs to be tackled at a local level. In fact, it has been found that across the UK, air pollution levels are above the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations, with the Greater Manchester Urban Area 5.2 times over the recommended level. Such elevated levels of air pollution have produced a lifelong impact on residents, with a estimated 40,000 early deaths due to pollution-related health problems each year. However, there is possibility for positive change on a grassroots level among our communities.
EarthSense, the air quality specialist, have announced that it will be supplying Telent Technology Services with its Zephyr air quality monitors and provide data for Telent’s intelligent transport system, the Optima Hub. The data will inform decisions around transport infrastructure so that pollution can be reduced.