Westminster city council has launched a new Air Quality Task Group and is calling for evidence to help build on its efforts to tackle harmful air pollution in central London.
The task group will be made up of councillors from the Environment, Health and Children’s scrutiny committees, and with input from experts the group will focus on three main areas: pollution caused by transport, pollution caused by buildings emissions and the health impacts of poor air quality.
The group is seeking views and evidence from local residents and workers in Westminster on their experience of air quality in the borough and suggestions as to how the council, the Mayor of London, Transport for London or developers could improve it. The group will look into the health impacts of air pollution, particularly on children.
By examining the causes and impacts of poor air quality, Westminster city council has claimed it can increase its understanding of the issues in central London and work more effectively towards making the air cleaner.
The group will learn from best practice, identify potential additional ways to improve air quality and collaborate with key strategic partners in improving air quality.
Councillor Ian Adams, chairman of the Air Quality Task Group, said: “Air quality is a top concern for our residents and we work continuously to mitigate the harmful effects of pollution. We will investigate thoroughly the air pollution issues around the borough.
“By gathering evidence from experts and from people who live and work in Westminster, we can extend our understanding on how to keep our city working, but in a greener, cleaner way.”
The task group will commission an independent evidence review from a leading London university and will call expert witnesses to give evidence at its meetings.
Westminster residents and workers can contribute online through Westminster Open Forums. The findings will help the task force to form recommendations for action for the council and its partners.
The initiative follows Westminster city council’s successful bid for significant funding to develop a Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN). The Air Quality Task Group will take evidence from the LEN and the additional expert findings have the potential to contribute further to the positive impact of the LEN
The consultation will be open until 1 February 2017 and the Task Group will report in March 2017.
To submit evidence, contact AQtaskgroup@westminster.gov.uk or visit the website.